CTCI-2015CSR-English - page 138

CH. 7 Talent cultivation
CTCI has always been committed to
hosting health promotional activities, as
we hope to foster a healthcare mindset
in our colleagues. To care for employees'
health and to effectively manage health, we
have purchased healthcare management
software around mid-year in 2014. We plan
for employee health management together
with our onsite doctors, we track and
facilitate the health conditions whose health
checkup results showed abnormalities. The
healthcare results from 2014 were used
in the healthcare management system to
analyze the top 10 abnormal items, and
year 2015 was established as "Precious
Heart and Liver Year", in which seminars
were set in accordance with the year's
target to encourage our employee's health
2015 Health Promotion Activities
Healthcare Promotion Seminar
● Collaborate with Shilin Healthcare Center
and contracted healthcare facility.
● Topics for the annual health promotion
seminars were set according to employee
input for the health seminar, and this
included psychological issues.
● In 2015, 12 seminars were held, and
attended by 1,092 participants.
Healthy weight-loss activity
● Co-hosted "Precious Heart and Liver, Healthy
weight loss" activity with Taipei Veterans
General Hospital.
● Small-sized classes were held for 8 sessions,
and the curriculum included: healthy weight-
loss concept, food selection, amount of food
intake, and accurate workout methods etc.
● The event lasted for 2 months, and was
attended by 26 employees. They lost 93.5 kg
total, and on average each person has lost
3.6kg. One of them lost 17 kg.
"Smoking is disheartening"
Quit smoking to gain better health
● According to smoke prevention regulations, we
cohosted quitting smoking activity with Taipei
General Veterans Hospital.
● The course was 2 months long, and the
participants were mostly 25-35 years old
● 11 employees took part in 2015, and 3 of them quit
smoking successfully, with a success rate of 27%.
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